
David Garrett and Music – a time line


  • learns the recorder and theory at the Conservatorium in Geneva, Switzerland, where he plays and attends his first concerts, and sings treble in choirs.
  • back in Australia, studies flute while his schooling leads to University teaching posts in Sydney and Melbourne. History is his discipline, and music remains a passion for listening and knowing.
  • the decisive decade. Music takes over, and in 1976 David Garrett becomes administrator of Sydney Philharmonia Society, a baptism of fire as the concert deadlines loom. Tasks include the beginnings of an extensive survey of the choral repertoire in the form of program notes.
  • begins writing ‘Opera of the Month’ features for the magazine Opera Australia. 30 plus years later these articles introduce 90 operas.
  • The Australian Broadcasting Corporation invites David Garrett to fill in temporarily in 1985 looking after the program notes for its six symphony orchestras. He stays…
  • …soon with extra responsibility for programming concerts, choosing artists and repertoire, working with orchestras, conductors and soloists…and writing more program notes, giving pre-concert talks (hundreds since 1985, for all the capital city orchestras, Musica Viva, Australian Chamber Orchestra, etc.), and scripting radio features.
  • serves as Head of Programming in 1995 for what has become ABC Concert Music, then as artistic administrator of the Melbourne, Queensland, and Tasmanian Symphony Orchestras 1997-2003.
  • heads the CD label ABC Classics in 1993, and in the 2000s with the Tasmanian orchestra, produces and edits recordings for ABC Classics, Chandos, and Hyperion.
  • on David Garrett’s suggestion Youth Music Australia initiates the Words about Music program at its annual music camp in 1992. In association with ABC Radio and orchestras, this offers tutoring and hands-on experience for students contemplating careers writing, speaking and broadcasting about music. Many participants in this ongoing program are now established professionally.
  • seconded to New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, 1996, as acting artistic administrator.
  • returns to academia, completing a PhD. at the University of Wollongong (Creative Arts), studying the early history of the Australian Broadcasting Commission’s involvement with concerts and orchestras.
  • writes on the history of Australia’s first FM radio station, Sydney’s 2MBS–FM, for its 40th anniversary. David Garrett continues to broadcast on what is now 2MBS Fine Music Sydney.

…listening, singing in choirs, speaking…and writing…continues, along with attending to a wordy legacy…here.


Editor's note: Missing from this timeline is June 1992, when David Garrett appointed me Acting Research Officer at ABC Concerts, Sydney. Since that time I became Research Officer, Acting Planning and Programming Officer (filling in behind David while he was in NZ), and later Editor at Symphony Australia, in which capacity I often commissioned program notes such as these from David. It has been a long and fruitful collaboration, and I am honoured to be able to edit this website containing so many of the notes from David's garrett that I have enjoyed over these years.

- Gordon Kalton Williams, Nov 5, 2023

David Garrett